The Arts Park Needs YOU!

Posted on Monday 23 October 2006

Lots of folks teamed up to change the status of the Art Park on Elm, just South of Broadway, from being in a constant state of lock-down to now having regular hours. In order for this to continue, however, we need to encourage its regular use.

A great way to encourage residential use of the park is to place Parks and Rec classes in it. The parks and rec department can place classes in that park, if anyone is interested in teaching out of it. So that means it’s our responsibility to encourage artists and others to start a class in the Arts Park. If you know anyone who would like to make a few bucks by teaching a class out of the park – tai chi, meditation, drawing or watercolor classes come to mind, for example.

An interested person can submit an application to Michelle Gringas in the Parks and Rec department, along with details about the proposed class. It takes about 2 months after an application is received before the class can begin. If anyone has any questions about teaching classes, or wants a copy of the application, they should call Michelle directly at 562-570-3117, or contact her via email at

1 Comment for 'The Arts Park Needs YOU!'

    July 20, 2009 | 1:30 pm

    where does this take place?

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