“Art Exchange” info

Posted on Wednesday 24 May 2006

by Sander Roscoe Wolff
Executive Director

Plans for development of a number of properties along the East side of
Long Beach Blvd between Broadway and 3rd are moving along, and the
Redevelopment Agency’s commitment to dedicating a portion to the arts
remains strong. They’ve reached out to the community, asking for input
about how best to use the arts portion of the development. One group,
The Art Exchange Task Force, stepped up to the plate with an ambitious
and far reaching proposal which will be outlined by them, below.

There are other proposals on the table, and we hope to present them
here as well. For now, for your consideration and understanding, here
is what they’ve shared:


The Art Exchange is a new concept for Long Beach that will benefit artists, residents, visitors, and the entire city by creating a “theatre” of the arts. As a Non-profit studio cooperative, professional artists will enjoy opportunities for artistic collaboration, as well as having access to an ongoing stream of customers for their work. Residents will experiences art up close and will also be able to attend classes workshops and lectures. Visitors will be attracted to the unique venue, stay because of the cultural experiences, and come away viewing Long Beach as a truly an arts and cultural destination to be visited again and again.


As a dynamic arts venue, The Art Exchange will house a thriving community of 75 to 100 professional artists working in a variety of disciplines including:

Stained Glass

Participating artists will be required to be present on site for a specified number of hours each week and will be expected to open their studios to the public in order to provide an educational and cultural experience to visitors.


The Gallery will mount monthly exhibitions to showcase individual artists or featured specific artistic disciplines. Opening receptions will be held to attract media attention.


The Art Exchange will offer an extensive educational program to adults and children. It is expected to develop artist-in-residence, LBUSD partnerships, and youth mentorship programs, as well as a professional development curriculum for artists, classroom teachers, and college and graduate students to gain hands-on experience in arts education approaches.


After hours, the Art Exchange will become a much sought-after setting for special events. Features will include an intimate performing arts stage, art visible through studio windows, full kitchen facilities, convenient parking, and easy access to local businesses, hotels, and downtown.

The City of Long Beach will reap the benefits of having a distinctive and important arts destination to add to its cultural tourism arsenal.

Along with the studio and exhibition space, it is intended that the Art Exchange host educational programs, special events, performances, lectures, and demonstrations. Other important components include the Gallery and Gift Store, where featured artists can exhibit (and sell) their artwork.

It is the vision of the Art Exchange to engage both in mind and spirit through the arts – propelling Long Beach onto the national art scene and serving as a gateway to emerging East Village Arts District.

——- [end of AETF info]

The Redevelopment Agency commissioned a Feasibility Study a few years back, based on an earlier, now somewhat revised, model of the Art Exchange concept. Still, it is interesting to read. You can find it here. FYI, it is a 105 page PDF file so, if you have dial-up, grab a snack.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, we’re hoping that we can start a discussion of these, and any other ideas, that you may have for using this space. The scope of the project, and thus the art space, are in no way finalized. The RDA is committed, though, to creating a strong, stable, and successful model for the resources they’re allocating to the arts and it is on our shoulders to insure that we provide them with one. The possibilities are limited only by our ability to think creatively.

For more information about the Art Exchange Task Force and their proposal, or to share your thoughts and ideas with them, feel free to contact Steve Elicker.

6 Comments for '“Art Exchange” info'

    Doris Koplik
    May 24, 2006 | 11:57 am

    A terrific idea. I like the idea of making the center a place where many arts converge under one roof. In this redevelopment project, would there be other sites for music, theater, poetry, video, whatever? Long Beach needs more small stages for theater. How large (or small) a performance area is being considered for the arts center?

    May 26, 2006 | 1:25 am

    Sounds like a “creative cornucopia”!

    Annaelizabeth Wooten
    May 29, 2006 | 11:02 pm

    You are finally going to get what you longed for, do not fear every thing is going to be fine. It is it may be a long time for me to be back in Long Beach, to set up sjop there. I had to move to an art colony, were the rent is somewhat cheaper. In Fallbrook, CA they have events here all the time 4 a month, they have an association and a museum, just blooks away. Art is all over the place. They give out free avocado’s and oranges and lemons at the food pantry every week. I visit it every week. It is a place were they give out free food to seniors who can only pay their rent and little else. They have a place called the foundrey, it is a big barn were they do heavy duty art. Bronzes, They are perfectio9n at their heigest, Glass blowing, Ceramic’s you name it. If I ever get my piece called Sewer Rats ever made it will probly be at this place.
    So I just know the art exchange will a bit newer than this place, but it is in a city, not a town.

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    April 16, 2009 | 11:43 am

    I just talked to *Pear with the Redevelopment Agency who mentioned the plans for Phase I are expected today. I know it’s going to take at least a year or so, but I’m looking forward to the idea of “hot shops” in downtown Long Beach!

    * She mistakenly referred to the vacant “Acres of Books” building as “Acres of Art” or perhaps she was going to say “Acres of Artists”. I told her that was a great name ;)

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