
Archive for the 'Civic Responsability' Category

“Art Exchange” info

by Sander Roscoe Wolff Executive Director Plans for development of a number of properties along the East side of Long Beach Blvd between Broadway and 3rd are moving along, and the Redevelopment Agency’s commitment to dedicating a portion to the arts remains strong. They’ve reached out to the community, asking for input about how [...]

Localizing Politics in Long Beach: Getting Street-Level in the Second District

By Greggory Moore If all politics is local (as was once asserted by former House Speaker “Tip” O’Neill), it is the actions on the streets that agglomerate to form the whole of our political reality. With this in mind, on May 6 {open} hosted a screening of Street Fight, the Academy Award-nominated documentary about the [...]

Creativity Network Update

CREATIVITY NETWORK UPDATE: April 10, 2006 It was another energy-filled evening at Utopia Restaurant last Monday evening. A good crowd of 15 people showed up for more than wine and food. Getting them out of there was the challenge. Cultural exchanges, information exchanges and networking were among the topics thrown out. Of course, it always [...]

Question: Aside from money, what can the City do to help Arts and Culture flourish?

I have a few ideas of my own, but I know there are lots of smart, creative people who are brimming with ideas about how to make our fair City a supportive home for Arts and Culture. Here’s your opportunity to share them! Post them as comments on this post.

Question: What do you think of the East Village Arts District?

Do you know where it is? Have you been there, or attended any events? If not, why not? How big is it? Should the City be focusing its arts related resources in one area, or should they spread them out across the entire city? What kinds of businesses are there? What kinds of businesses, or [...]

Question: What is the Arts Council?

Have you heard of the Arts Council for Long Beach? (If it helps, they used to be known as the Public Corporation for the Arts.) What do they do? Are they relevant to what you’re doing, or to your interests? What would you like to see them do? Please post your answers as comments on [...]

Question: What’s possible for the new development on LB Blvd?

There’s a new development in the works, and the Redevelopment Agency has been working with designers and the developers to include a portion of this new construction specifically for something arts related. I’ve heard several ideas about how to use this space, which ranges from 20,000 – 30,000 square feet. There has been discussion, for [...]

The Long Beach Creativity Network – Survey

The Creativity Network is an informal network of artists of every discipline, arts educators, arts organizations and others who assemble once a month to meet, greet and dialogue about art and culture in Long Beach. Since October of 2005, they have gathered at Utopia Restaurant in the East Village Arts District, to exchange business cards, [...]