Last Saturday Video

Posted on Wednesday 31 May 2006

Ray Barbee

by Sander Roscoe Wolff

At last Saturday’s Last Saturday event in the East Village Arts District, I wandered around and shot some video. I edited it down to about 5 minutes, and you can watch a rather large but low-res version of it here.

The excitement was palpable as I wandered East on Broadway toward Linden Avenue. Shops, galleries, and restaurants were abuzz with activity, and music drifted gently on the evening air. Artists moved around a car, pulled part way onto the sidewalk in front of The Blue Nile, creating complex images with spray paint cans. Another artist, standing on a ladder, worked on a tall wooden board, creating. Turning the corner, I was greeted by a throng of artist booths that filled the street. Many, in addition to showcasing work, had artists actually working, some with paints, others with metal. Video projections, photography, and t-shirts with original graphics were on display, along with all kinds of other things. 2nd District candidate Brian Ulaszewski was at Koo’s, celebrating the official opening of 2D2D, an art show featuring artistic explorations of the 2nd district.

Capoeira Angelo

A stage featured musical performances by The Ray Barbee Quintet, whose lilting instrumental music created a perfect backdrop for brousing. Capoeira Angelo provided a wonderful demonstration of a traditional brazilian marshal arts form with live musical accompaniment. Earlier, Pablo Sandoval shared the blues on pedal steel guitar.


In all, the event had a great feel to it, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

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